Front Page

The Collection Defined

I collect Byzantine numismatics from the year of 1204 up until the defeat of the empire in 1453! In particular, I focus on the silver coins from John III Vatazes to Manuel II.

The goal of this collection is to bring hitherto unknown ancient byzantine coins to light! My hope is to one day endow a university with my coins, if the collection ever reaches a point of making that worthwhile for an institution. All coins are my own unless otherwise stated! 

Keep an eye out for my upcoming book!

How it started

I have a deep love of history thanks to the encouragement of my father! Since exposing me to something called “ancient rome” as a child, I have ever since been enamored with the past! I owe you 🙂

This specific collection started with a chance ebay find! After aquiring a group lot of worn AE trachys, I needed to learn the area to be able and identify my coins. Painfully at first and lovingly later, I poured hours into those coins. As many people know, trachys are notoriously difficult to propery identify. I couldn’t make heads from tails and put the lot away for another day. Luckily, Christmas happened to be around that time and I recieved the kind gift of Liantia’s Late Byzantine Coinage (Thanks dad!). With this great book, I was able to finally work through my crusty ancients! With a Eurika moment after finding a rare Manuel Ducas trachy (pictured below), I fell down the late byzantine rabbit hole and have yet to climb back out! 

The Porphyrogenitus Collection

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