
Coinage of the Byzantine and Balkan States

Constantinople Mint

CBB 12.1A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  MHP ΘV HAΓIOCOPITICA Full-length figure of Theotokos Hagiosoritissa, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion.  Rev. O AΓIOC ΠЄTPOC O AΓIOC ΠAVΛOC Full-length figures of Sts. Peter and Paul, nimbate and bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, embracing each other; St. Peter to the r. with short beard, St. Paul to the l. with long beard.  Sear 2040.  LBC 78-80.  DOC IV LI 20.  CLBC 11.19.1. CBB 12.1A.

CBB 12.1B

Same as previous but intermediate module.  Sear 2051.  LBC 81-83 (there as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.19.2. CBB 12.1B.

CBB 12.1C

Same as previous but small module.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.19.3. CBB 12.1C.

CBB 12.2A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 – 1261 AD,   AE.  MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backed throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast.  Rev. ICAKIOS ΔЄCΠOTHC IC XC Full-length figure of emperor and Christ, bearded; Emperor, wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger; Christ, cruciformly nimbate with no pellets in cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. arm outstretched to crown emperor and l. hand holding Gospels.  Sear 2028 (as Andronikos).  LBC 49-51 (as Andronikos).  DOC IV L 8 (as Andronikos and Isaac). CLBC 11.8.2 (11.8.1 as Andronikos). CBB 12.2A.

CBB 12.2B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.8.2. CBB 12.2B.

CBB 12.3A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 -1261 AD,   AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with pellets in each cross arm, bearded, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand outstretched in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels.  Rev. MANOVHΛ ΔЄCΠOTH MHP ΘV Full-length figures of emperor and Thetokos; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia; Theotokos nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, r. hand outstretched to crown the emperor and l. in benediction.  Sear 2026.  LBC –.  DOC IV XLIX 6.  CLBC 11.6.1. CBB 12.3A.

CBB 12.3B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 44-45.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.6.2. CBB 12.3B.

CBB 12.3C

Same as previous but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.6.2. CBB 12.3B.

CBB 12.4A

Trachy, Constantinople or Thessalonica circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD, AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with pellet in each cross arm, bearded, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. arm outstretched in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels; Cross above throne cushion to l. side.  Rev. HAΓIA ЄΛЄNH O KOTANT Full-length figures of Sts. Helena and Constantine, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, holding patriarchal cross; St. Helena holding jeweled scepter in r. hand; St. Constantine, bearded, holding cross-tipped-scepter in l. hand.  Sear 2057.  LBC 124.  DOC IV LII 26.  CLBC 11.25.1. CBB 12.4A.

CBB 12.4B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 44-45.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.25.2. CBB 12.4B.

CBB 12.4C

Same as previous but obverse throne without cross.  Sear –.  LBC 44-45.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.25.2. CBB 12.4C.

CBB 12.4D

Same as 12.4A but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear 2049.  LBC 125-26.  DOC IV LIII 35.  CLBC 11.25.2. CBB 12.4D.

CBB 12.5A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,   AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backed throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast.  Rev. MANHOVHΛ ΔЄCΠ O ΓЄωPΓIOS Full-length figures of emperor and St. George, holding labarum; Emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding cross-tipped-scepter; St. George nimbate, wearing body armor with chiton and sagion, l. holding wrapped sagion at waist. Sear 2027.  LBC 46.  DOC IV XLIX 7.  CLBC 11.7.1. CBB 12.5A.

CBB 12.5B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 47-48.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.7.2. CBB 12.5B.

CBB 12.5C

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.7.3. CBB 12.5C.

CBB 12.6A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion, infant Christ at breast.  Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOTHC O ΓЄωPΓIOS Full-length figures of emperor and St. George, holding patriarchal Cross; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest; St. George, nimbate, wearing body armor with chiton, and sagion, l. hand holding sword. Sear 2034 (incorrectly described obverse, no Christ at breast).  LBC 56-8, 60 (incorrectly described obverse, no Christ at breast).  DOC IV L 14 (incorrectly described obverse, no Christ at breast).  CLBC –. CBB 12.6A.

CBB 12.6B

Same as previous but reverse sagion with agrapha. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CLBC 11.13.1.  CBB 12.8.

CBB 12.6C

Same as 12.6A but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 56, 58, 60 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.6C.

CBB 12.6D

Same as previous but reverse sagion with agrapha. Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CLBC 11.13.2.  CBB 12.6D.

CBB 12.6E

Same as 12.6A but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 59 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.6E.

CBB 12.6F

Same as previous but reverse sagion with agrapha. Sear –.  LBC 59 (as large module).  DOC –.  CLBC 11.13.3.  CBB 12.6F.

CBB 12.7

Trachy, Magnesia circa 1222 -1254 AD,   AE.  O AΓIOC ΓЄωPΓI Full-length figure of St. George nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges and sagion, l. hand holding spear over shoulder r. resting on shield.  Rev. O ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Theodore bearded, holding patriarchal Cross; Emperor wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum; St. Theodore nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges and sagion, l. hand holding spear.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CLBC –.  CBB 12.7.

CBB 12.8A

Trachy, Constantinople or Thessalonica circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC O ЄMMANȣHA Half-length figure of Christ Emmanuel, cruciformly nimbate with pellet in each cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. hand holding scroll.  Rev. TωKOMN Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2056.  LBC –.  DOC IV LII 25.  CLBC 11.24.1. CBB 12.8A.

CBB 12.8B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 118-123 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.8B.

CBB 12.8C

Same as previous but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear 2048.  LBC –.  DOC IV XLIII 34.  CLBC 11.24.3. CBB 12.8C.

CBB 12.9

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. hand holding scroll.  Rev. Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding cross-tipped-scepter and l. akakia; Manus Dei blesses the emperor in upper l. field.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CLBC 11.29.2.  CBB 12.9.

CBB 12.10

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE. X AP XM Half-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel, nimbate, wearing chiton, loros, and sagion, r. hand holding sword over shoulder scepter and l. globus cruciger.  Rev. Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, in r. hand holding labarum and in l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2033.  LBC –.  DOC IV L 13.  CLBC 11.12.1.  CBB 12.10.

CBB 12.11A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each cross arm, beardless, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. hand holding scroll.  Rev. MANHOVHΛ  ΔЄCΠOTHC Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. patriarchal globus cruciger.  Sear 2025.  LBC 40-3.  DOC IV XLIX 5.  CLBC 11.5.1. CBB 12.11A.

CBB 12.11B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.5.2. CBB 12.11B.

CBB 12.12

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand outstreched in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels.  Rev. Full-length figure of emperor bearded, divitsion, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. sheathed sword.  Sear 2032.  LBC –.  DOC IV L 12.  CLBC 11.11.1. CBB 12.12.

CBB 12.13A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. hand holding scroll.  Rev. MANHOVHΛ  ΔЄCΠOTHC Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding cross-tipped-scepter and l. holding globus cruciger.  Sear 2024.  LBC 35, 37-39.  DOC IV XLIX 4.  CLBC 11.4.1. CBB 12.13A.

CBB 12.13B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 36.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.4.2. CBB 12.13B.

CBB 12.13C

Same as previous but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.4.3. CBB 12.13C.

CBB 12.14A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  X AP XM Full-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel, nimbate, wearing chiton, loros, and sagion, r. hand holding bejeweled scepter and l. globus cruciger.  Rev. ΔЄCΠOTHC Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding sword and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2030.  LBC 52.  DOC IV L 10.  CLBC 11.10.1. CBB 12.14A.

CBB 12.14B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 54.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.10.2. CBB 12.14B.

CBB 12.14C

Same as previous but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 53, 55.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.10.3. CBB 12.14C.

CBB 12.15A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, bearded, seated upon backed throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding Gospels.  Rev. MANHOVHΛ ΔЄCΠOTHC Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding sword and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2022.  LBC 28-29.  DOC IV XLIX 2.  CLBC 11.2.1. CBB 12.15A.

CBB 12.15B

Same as previous but reverse legend as MANHOVHΛ ΠOPΘVPOΓЄN.  Sear –.  LBC 26-27.  DOC IV XLIX 2.  CLBC 11.2.1.A. CBB 12.15B.

CBB 12.15C

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 31-32.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.2.2. CBB 12.15C.

CBB 12.15D

Same as 12.16A but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 31-32.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.2.2. CBB 12.15D.

CBB 12.15E

Same as 12.16A but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear 2045.  LBC 30, 33.  DOC IV LIII 31.  CLBC 11.2.3. CBB 12.15E.

CBB 12.15F

Same as 12.16B but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear 2045.  LBC 30, 33.  DOC IV LIII 31.  CLBC 11.2.3. CBB 12.15E.

CBB 12.16A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backed throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, infant Christ at breast.  Rev. MANHOVHΛ  ΔЄCΠOTHC Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing divitision, chlamys, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia.  Sear 2021.  LBC 1-6 (module unspecified).  DOC IV XLVIII 1.  CLBC 11.1.1. 12.16A.

CBB 12.16B

Same as previous but intermediate module.  Sear –.  LBC 7-13, 16-19, 22, 24 (module unspecified).  DOC –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.16B.

CBB 12.16C

Same as previous but small module.  Sear 2044.  LBC 14-15, 20-21, 23, 25 (module unspecified).  DOC LI 30.  CLBC 11.1.3.A. CBB 12.16C.

CBB 12.17A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  O ΓЄωPΓIOS Full-length figure of St. George, nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, r. hand holding spear resting on shoulder and l. hand resting on shield.  Rev. ΔЄCΠOTHC Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding trilobate scepter and l. globus cruciger.  Sear –.  LBC 103-4.  DOC –.  CLBC 11.31.1. CBB 12.17A.

CBB 12.17B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 106 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.31.2. CBB 12.17B.

CBB 12.17C

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 105 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.31.3. CBB 12.17C.

CBB 12.18A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with pellet in each cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, standing on dais, r. arm outstretched in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels; Sigla in lower left field.  Rev. Iω ΔЄΠ Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing body armor with chiton, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2035.  LBC 61-63.  DOC IV L 15.  CLBC 11.14.1. CBB 12.18A.

CBB 12.18B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 65-65 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.18B.

CBB 12.18C

Same as previous but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 66.  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.18C.

CBB 12.19A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC NI KA Decorated cross on base.  Rev. POMAION Full-length figure of emperor bearded, lamellar body armor with pteryges, chiton, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding spear and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2043.  LBC 94.  DOC IV LII 23.  CLBC 11.22.1.  CBB 12.19A.

CBB 12.19B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 95, 102 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.19B.

CBB 12.19C

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear 2054.  LBC 96-101 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.22.3. CBB 12.19C.

CBB 12.20A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. hand holding scroll.  Rev. X AP XM Full-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, and sagion, r. hand holding trilobate scepter and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2036.  LBC 67, 69-71.  DOC IV LI 16.  CLBC 11.15.1. CBB 12.20A.

CBB 12.20B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 68 (?).  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.15.2. CBB 12.20B.

CBB 12.20C

Same as previous but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.20C.

CBB 12.21A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  O AΓIOC NIKOΛAOC Half-length figure of St. Nicholas, nimbate, bearded, in orans, wearing episcopal vestments, omophorion, and sakkos.  Rev. O AΓIOC Iω O ΠPOΔPOMOC Full-length figure of St. John the Baptist, nimbate and bearded, wearing tunic and cloak, in r. hand holding patriarchal cross and l. outstretched.  Sear 2041 (incorrectly described).  LBC –.  DOC IV LI 21.  CLBC 11.20.1.  CBB 12.21A.

CBB 12.21B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear 2052.  LBC 85-87 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.20.2. CBB 12.21B.

CBB 12.21C

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 84, 88 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.21C.

CBB 12.22A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with pellets in each cross arm, bearded, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand outstretched in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels.  Rev. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion.  Sear 2038.  LBC 72-73.  DOC IV LI 18.  CLBC 11.17.1. CBB 12.22A.

CBB 12.22B

Same as previous but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.17.2. CBB 12.22B

CBB 12.23A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  O AΓIOC ΠЄTPOC  Full-length figure of Peter, nimbate and bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand holding cross-tipped-scepter and l. holding keys.  Rev. MHP ΘV HAΓIOCOPITICA Full-length figure of Theotokos Hagiosoritissa, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion; Manus Dei blesses emperor in upper l. field.  Sear 2039.  LBC 74-7.  DOC IV LI 19.  CLBC 11.18.1. CBB 12.23A.

CBB 12.23B

Same as previous but intermediate module.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.18.2. CBB 12.23B.

CBB 12.24A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,   AE.  MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backed throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, infant Christ at breast.  Rev. AΛЄΞIOC ΔЄΠOTHC Full-length figure of emperor bearded, seated upon backless throne, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia.  Sear 2023 (incorrectly described, reverse with Manus Dei).  LBC 34 (incorrectly described, reverse with Manus Dei).  DOC IV XLIX 3 (incorrectly described, reverse with Manus Dei).  CLBC 11.3.1 (incorrectly described, reverse with Manus Dei). CBB 12.24A.

CBB 12.24B

Same as previous but intermediate module.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.2.2 (incorrectly described, reverse with Manus Dei). CBB 12.24B.

CBB 12.24C

Same as previous but small module.  Sear 2046 (incorrectly described, reverse with Manus Dei).  LBC 34 (incorrectly described, reverse with Manus Dei).  DOC IV LIII 32 (incorrectly described, reverse with Manus Dei).  CLBC –. CBB 12.24C.

CBB 12.25A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  O ΓЄωPΓIOS Full-length figure of St. George, nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, r. hand holding spear resting on shoulder and l. hand resting on shield.  Rev. KOMNHNOC Full-length figure of emperor bearded, seated upon backed throne, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2042.  LBC 89.  DOC IV LI 22.  CLBC 11.21.1. CBB 12.25A.

CBB 12.25B

Same as previous but intermediate module.  Sear 2053.  LBC 90-91 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC 11.21.2. CBB 12.25B.

CBB 12.25C

Same as previous but small module.  Sear –.  LBC 92-93 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.25C.

CBB 12.26A

Trachy, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with pellets in each cross arm, bearded, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels; Star in either field.  Rev. MANHOVHΛ ΔЄCΠOTHC Half-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2055.  LBC –.  DOC IV LII 24.  CLBC 11.23.1. CBB 12.26A.

CBB 12.26B

Same as 12.26A but intermediate module, often with blundered legends.  Sear –.  LBC 107-13 (as large module).  DOC IV –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.26B.

CBB 12.26C

Same as previous but small module, often with blundered legends.  Sear 2047.  LBC 114-17.  DOC IV IV LIII 33.  CLBC 11.23.3. CBB 12.26C.

CBB 12.27

Trachy, Constantinople or Thessalonica circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  Unknown  Rev. Half-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CLBC 11.23.3.A. CBB 12.27.

CNB placeholder

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1246 -1254 AD,   AE.  O AΓIOC ΠЄTPOC  Full-length figure of Peter, nimbate and bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand holding keys and l. holding cross-tipped-scepter.  Rev. Iω ΔЄCΠOCTH Half-length figure of emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros (C1 E9 F5), maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2133.  LBC 463.  DOC IV XLV 13.  CNB 4.17A.

CNB placeholder

Same as previous but reverse with patriarchal Cross.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC IV –.  CNB 4.17B

CBB 12.28

Tetarteron, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion. Rev. Patriarchal Cross on florate base.  Sear 2058.  LBC 128.  DOC IV LII 27.  CLBC 11.26. CBB 12.28.

CBB 12.29A

Tetarteron, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  HAΓIA ЄΛЄNH Full-length figure of empress, nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest and l. holding Patriarchal Cross.  Rev. O KONTANT Full-length figure of emperor, bearded and nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding patriarchal Cross and l. resting holding akakia.  Sear 2059.  LBC 129.  DOC IV LII 28.  CLBC 11.27. CBB 12.29A.

CBB 12.29B

Same as previous but obverse with loros variant.  Sear –.  LBC –.  DOC –.  CLBC –. CBB 12.29B.

CBB 12.30

Tetarteron, Constantinople circa 1204 AD – 1261 AD,  AE.  IC XC Full-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with pellet in each cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, standing on dais, r. arm outstretched in benediction and l. hand holding Gospels; Sigla in lower left field.  Rev. Full-length figure of emperor bearded, wearing body armor with chiton, sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. globus cruciger.  Sear 2060.  LBC 130-1.  DOC IV LII 29.  CLBC 11.28. CBB 12.30.

To Uncertain Coinage from Nicaea, Thessalonica, and Epirus!