Coinage of the Byzantine and Balkan States: 1204-1461

For Sear 2148, 2149, 2150, and 2153 see the page for Andronikos I Gidon.
CNB 6.1A

Tetarteron, Magnesia circa 1222 -1261 AD, AE. Large dotted B; Cluster of three dots in either field. Rev. Full-length figure of emperor, bearded, seated upon a backed throne, wearing divitision, loros (A6 C1 E13 F5), orarion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter and l. akakia. Sear 2151. LBC 311-12. DOC IV XXXVII 3. CNB 6.1A.
CNB 6.1B

Same as previous but with reverse A4 loros variant (A4 C1 E13 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.1B.
CNB 6.1C

Same as previous but with reverse A10 E15 loros variant (A10 C1 E15 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.1C.
CNB 6.1D

Same as previous but with reverse E13 loros variant (A10 C1 E13 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.1D.
CNB 6.1E

Same as previous but with reverse E36 loros variant (A10 C1 E36 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.1E.
CNB 6.1F

Same as previous but with reverse E37 loros variant (A10 C1 E37 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.1F.
CNB 6.2A

Tetarteron, Magnesia circa 1222 -1261 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands outstretched in benediction. Rev. Radiate Cross with crescent moon at each end; Four pellets around. Sear 2154. LBC 314-15. DOC IV XXXVII 6. CNB 6.2A.
CNB 6.2B

Same as previous but with lines around central Cross. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.2B.
CNB 6.2C

Same as previous but with lines around radiate ends. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.2C.
CNB 6.2D

Same as 6.2A but obverse without Christ. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.2D.
CNB 6.2E

Same as 6.2B but obverse without Christ. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.2E.
CNB 6.2F

Same as 6.2C but obverse without Christ. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CNB 6.2F.
CNB 6.3

Tetarteron, Magnesia circa 1222 -1261 AD, AE. O ΘЄOΔωPOC Half-length figure of St. Theodore, nimbate and bearded, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and saigon with agrapha, r. hand holding spear over shoulder and l. resting on shield. Rev. Ornate Cross on florate base. Sear 2157. LBC 318-9. DOC IV XXXVII 9. CNB 6.3.
CNB 6.4

Tetarteron, Magnesia circa 1222 -1261 AD, AE. IC XC Dotted Cross; Cluster of three dots at each arm end. Rev. BB Two letter ‘B’s facing, r. ‘B’ with pellets in loops of letter. Sear 2155. LBC 316. DOC IV XXXVII 7. CNB 6.4.
CNB 6.5

Tetarteron, Magnesia circa 1222 -1261 AD, AE. Six petaled flower. Rev. BB Two letter ‘B’s facing, r. ‘B’ with pellets in loops of letter. Sear 2156. LBC 317. DOC IV XXXVII 8. CNB 6.5.