Corpus Nummorum Byzantinorum Recentissimorum

Thessalonica Mint
CNB 9.1

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, Debased AR. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding Gospels. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔȣKAC MHP ΘV Full-length figures of emperor and Theotokos; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros (A2 E19 F1), sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia; Theotokos nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, r. hand outstretched to crown emperor and l. resting on chest. Sear 2174. LBC –. DOC IV XL 1. CLBC 13.1. CNB 9.1.
CNB 9.2

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. IC XC Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets per Cross arm, bearded, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding Gospels. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔȣKAC MHP ΘV Full-length figures of emperor and Theotokos; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros (A2 E19 F1), sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. akakia; Theotokos nimbate, wearing tunic and maphorion, r. hand outstretched to crown emperor and l. resting on chest. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV –. CLBC –. CNB 9.2.
CNB 9.3A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, Debased AR. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔȣKAC XM AP Full-length figures of emperor and St. Michael the Archangel, holding sheathed sword; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros (A2 D2 E16 F1), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter; St. Michael winged and nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand holding labarum. Sear 2175. LBC –. DOC IV XL 2 (as AR). CLBC 13.2 CNB 9.3A.
CNB 9.3B

Same as previous but reverse with E42 loros variant (A2 D2 E16 F1). Sear –. LBC 344. DOC IV –. CLBC –. CNB 9.3B.
CNB 9.4

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backless throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔȣKAC XM AP Full-length figures of emperor and St. Michael the Archangel, holding sheathed sword; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros (A2 D2 E16 F1), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding Cross-tipped-scepter; St. Michael winged and nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion, l. hand holding labarum. Sear 2176. LBC 345. DOC IV XL 2 (as AE). CLBC 13.2.A. CNB 9.4.
CNB 9.5

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔȣKAC O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding sheathed sword; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision, loros (A4 B10? C1 E20? F1?), sagion (?), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding akakia (?); St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, l. hand holding spear over shoulder. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC –. CNB 9.5.
CNB 9.6A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Full-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, seated upon backed throne, wearing tunic and maphorion, both hands holding the infant Christ at breast; three pellets to either side on the throne back. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔЄCΠOTH XM AP Full-length figures of emperor and St. Michael the Archangel, holding labarum; Emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros (A2 B10 C1 E21 F1), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting on chest; St. Michael, nimbate, wearing tunic, l. holding wrapped sagion at waist. Sear 2178. LBC 351. DOC IV XLI 4. CLBC 13.4.1. CNB 9.6A
CNB 9.6B

Same as previous but either obverse throne panel with three dots. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV –. CLBC –. CNB 9.6C.
CNB 9.6C

Same as previous but reverse with B17 loros variant (A2 B10 C1 E21 F1). Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV –. CLBC –. CNB 9.6C.
CNB 9.7A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. X AP XM Half-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel, nimbate, wearing divitision, loros, and maniakion, r. hand holding sword over shoulder and l. sheath. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔЄCΠOTH O AΓIOC KωNCTANTINOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Constantine, bearded, holding patriarchal Cross; Emperor wearing divitision, loros (A10 B5 C1 E19 F1), maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding palm-frond-tipped-scepter; St. Constantine nimbate, wearing divitision, loros (A4 B10 C1 E15 F1), maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, l. hand holding palm-frond-tipped-scepter. Sear 2180. LBC 356-8. DOC IV XLI 6. CLBC 13.6.1. CNB 9.7A
CNB 9.7B

Same as 9.6A but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV XLI –. CLBC 13.6.2. CNB 9.7B.
CNB 9.7C

Same as 9.6A but reverse with St. Constantine holding a spear. Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV XLI –. CLBC –. CNB 9.7C
CNB 9.7D

Same as 9.6B but reverse emperor with B12 E17 loros variants (A10 B12 C1 E17 F1) and St. Constantine with A14 B12 E17 loros variants (A14 B12 C1 E17 F1). Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV XLI –. CLBC –. CNB 9.7D
CNB 9.7E

Same as 9.6B but reverse emperor with E13 loros variants (A10 B5 C1 E13 F1) and St. Constantine with A10 B5 E13 loros variants (A10 B5 C1 E13 F1). Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV XLI –. CLBC –. CNB 9.7D
CNB 9.8A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. MHP ΘV Half-length figure of Theotokos, nimbate, in orans, wearing tunic and maphorion; Star in either field. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔЄCΠOTH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius; Emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros (A4 B10 C1 E19 F1), maniakion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding cross-tipped-scepter and l. accepting patriarchal globus cruciger; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing divitision, chlamys, and maniakion, r. hand outstretched to offer the emperor patriarchal globus cruciger and l. holding spear over shoulder. Sear 2179. LBC 352-3. DOC IV XLI 5. CLBC 13.5.1. CNB 9.8A.
CNB 9.8B

Same as previous but reverse with A14 B12 loros variant (A14 B12 C1 E19 F1). Sear –. LBC –. DOC IV –. CLBC –. CNB 9.8B.
CNB 9.8C

Same as 9.8A but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 13.5.2. CNB 9.8C.
CNB 9.8D

Same as previous but small module, reverse with A15 B20 E13 loros variants (A15 B20 C1 E13 F1). Sear 2185. LBC 354-4. DOC –. CLBC 13.5.3. CNB 9.8D.
CNB 9.9

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. IC XC KЄRO HΘЄI Half-length figure of Christ, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each cross arm, beardless, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. hand holding scroll. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔЄCΠOTH O AΓIOC KωNCTANTINOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Constantine, bearded; Emperor, wearing divitision, loros (A2 E19 F5), sagion with agrapha, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting at chest and l. holding akakia; St. Constantine, nimbate, wearing divitision, loros (A4 B10 C1 E15 F5), sagion, and stemma with pendilia, r. hand outstretched to crown the emperor and l. holding labarum. Sear 2181. LBC 359-60. DOC IV XLI 7. CLBC 13.7.1. CNB 9.9.
CNB 9.10A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Half-length figure of St. Demetrius, nimbate, beardless, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, r. hand holding spear over shoulder and l. hilt of sword. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔЄC IC XC Full-length figures of emperor and Christ, bearded; Emperor, wearing divitision (A6), chlamys (A14 B1 C8), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding cross-tipped-scepter and l. akakia; Christ, nimbate, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand outstretched to crown emperor and l. holding Gospels; star and crescent sigla to left side. Sear 2177. LBC 346-9. DOC IV XLI 3. CLBC 13.3.1. CNB 9.10A.
CNB 9.10B

Same as previous but small module, reverse with A3 chlamys variant (A6; A3 B2 C8). Sear –. LBC -. DOC –. CLBC 13.3.2. CNB 9.10B.
CNB 9.10C

Same as previous but small module. Sear 2184. LBC 350; 471-3 (incorrectly attributed as Michael II). DOC –. CLBC 13.3.3; 16.9 (incorrectly attributed as Michael II). CNB 9.10C.
CNB 9.11A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. X AP XM Full-length figure of St. Michael the Archangel, nimbate, standing on dais, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, both hands holding sheathed sword across waist. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔЄCΠOTHI ΠOΛIC ΘЄCCAΛONIKH O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, seated together on a backless throne; Emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros (A15 D2 E7 F5), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding labarum and l. accepting the outstreched city of Thessalonica; St. Demetrius, nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and Saigon, r. hand oustretched offering the city of Thessalonica to the emperor and l. holding sword over shoulder. Sear 2183. LBC 364. DOC IV XLI 9. CLBC 13.9.1. CNB 9.11A.
CNB 9.11B

Same as previous but reverse with E6 loros variant (A15 D2 E6 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC -. CNB 9.11B.
CNB 9.11C

Same as previous but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 13.9.2. CNB 9.11C.
CNB 9.11D

Same as previous but small module. Sear –. LBC 365-7. DOC –. CLBC 13.9.3. CNB 9.11D.
CNB 9.12A

Trachy, Thessalonica circa 1231-1237 AD, AE. O ΘЄOΔωPOC Full-length figure of St. Theodore, nimbate and bearded, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, r. hand holding spear across chest and l. resting on shield. Rev. MANȣHΛ ΔЄΠ O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Half-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding sheathed sword; Emperor, bearded, wearing divitision, loros (B20 C1 E21 F5), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand resting at chest; St. Demetrius, nimbate, wearing body armor with pteryges, chiton, and sagion with agrapha, l. hand resting at chest; in center field a Cloud with star from which the Manus Dei blesses the emperor. Sear 2182. LBC 361-3. DOC IV XLI 8. CLBC 13.8.1. CNB 9.12A.
CNB 9.12B

Same as previous but obverse with St. Theodore holding shield in either hand, reverse with E40 loros variant (B20 C1 E40 F5). Sear 2233 (incorrectly attributed as Michael II). LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 16.5 (as Thessalonican uncertain). CNB 9.12B.
CNB 9.12C

Same as 9.12A but intermediate module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 13.8.2. CNB 9.12C.
CNB 9.12D

Same as previous but reverse with E16 loros variant (B20 C1 E16 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC -. CNB 9.12D.
CNB 9.12E

Same as previous but reverse with E35 loros variant (B20 C1 E35 F5). Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC -. CNB 9.12D.
CNB 9.12F

Same as 9.12C but small module. Sear –. LBC –. DOC –. CLBC 13.8.3. CNB 9.11D.
CNB 9.13

Trachy, Arta circa 1215-1230 AD, AR. IC XC ω ЄMMANȣHA Half-length figure of Christ Emmanuel, cruciformly nimbate with five pellets in each Cross arm, wearing tunic and kolobion, r. hand in benediction and l. holding scroll. Rev. ΘЄOΔωΠOC ΔȣKAC O AΓIOC ΔIMITPIOC Full-length figures of emperor and St. Demetrius, holding labarum with triangular decoration; Emperor bearded, wearing divitision (A6), chlamys (A29 B2 C6), and stemma with pendilia, r. hand holding sword downwards; St. Demetrius nimbate, wearing divitision (A6), chlamys (A29 B2 C6), l. hand holding sword downwards. Sear 2229. LBC –. DOC IV XLIV 1. CLBC 15.3.1. CNB 9.13.