The triumph of Christendom, the valor of Rome, and the glory of Hellas: Byzantium stands distinct and tall. The empire that was the crown jewel of civilization for over a millennium sat at the cross roads of antiquity, the middle ages, and the Renaissance. On this website you will find access to the largest and most complete database of Byzantine coinage between the years 1204-1461 to be found either in print or online. As with many creations and inventions across history, the development of this project came from a want I had that was not fulfilled elsewhere.
Important reference works have slowly become outdated as hundreds of new and unpublished coins have surfaced in the last decade or two. A new work must be created in order to not only update the corpus of known types but also the underlying scholarship that is so affected by these discoveries. This website encompasses that corpus including hundreds of hitherto unpublished types. All entries have detailed line drawings, plates, and extensive descriptions. My book series (with volume one to be published by late 2024 or 2025) will not only have the corpus found on this website but more extensive plating as well as hundreds of pages of scholarship that will radically change our understanding of the late Byzantine numismatic field. Join my mailing list in order to receive updates about the publication of this book series.
A project of love and intense labor, this website’s free use is given in the hope that some people may find it useful. All that is asked in return is to reference this website when used.